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The Garcia Lab goes to SNVB!

We had a blast sharing our work at this year's Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology Annual Meeting, co-hosted by the Washington Chapter of the Wildlife Society and Northwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation! Apologies for the poor quality photos!


Tiffany shared results from her research on how forest harvest practices impact occupancy and abudance of Oregon Slender salmanders and Ensatina.

Evan presented predictions from his model estimating how climate change will impact dispersal of juvenile northern red-legged frogs, based on changes to individualized movement.

Chris discussed research he's done to broaden understanding of factors influencing the accuracy of eDNA analyses to estimate amphibian abundance.

Casting a Broader Net: Using Multi-target Metagenomics to Capture Aquatic Biodiversity Data from Diverse Taxonomic Targets. Weitemier, Kevin.

Chris and his colleagues Mark Leppin, Matt Radin, Anna Welsh Neill, and Dede Olson won the Best Poster award for their research, "Wetland Meadow Habitats in the Cascade Range: Potential Refugia for Herpetofaunal Communities Accelerating Post Fire Ecosystem Recovery." Go Chris!